Charter schools. More than 100 students may be forced to leave The Villages’ charter school due to a change in eligibility rules. Leesburg Daily Comercial.
School choice. Registration for Broward’s school choice options draws a crowd. WFOR.
Testing. Monroe may be the latest school district to do away with local end of course exams. Keynoter. Other districts cut back on them. Florida Today. Pensacola News-Journal. Daytona Beach News-Journal. Opt-Out Orlando urges parents to refuse district testing of their children in second grade and below. Orlando Sentinel. A teacher is being investigated for encouraging other students to opt out of testing. Gradebook. Hillsborough teachers say they don’t get test results in time to use them. Tampa Tribune.
Credit recovery. The Alachua school district looks to consolidate droupout prevention centers. Gainesville Sun. If a program helps struggling students graduate on time, who should get credit? Florida Times-Union.
School boards. The Manatee school board looks to turn over a new leaf after agreeing on the superintendent’s departure. Bradenton Herald.
Superintendents. Leon County Schools should switch to an appointed superintendent, the Tallahassee Democrat argues in an editorial.
Administration. Hillsborough’s new superintendent may set clearer rules on lobbying by district employees. Tampa Tribune. Manatee schools plan to revamp their hiring process. Bradenton Herald.
Career education.Parents in a rural area of Alachua County ask the school district for more vocational training options. Gainesville Sun. Students at a Collier technical academy build a boat. Naples Daily News.
Budgets. School districts have to start planning for the next year without a state budget in place. Times/Herald.
Literacy. Students at a Manatee high school learn about reading instruction for younger children. Bradenton Herald.
College. A teacher helps a young undocumented student amass support to attend the University of Florida. Miami Herald.
Labor. The Palm Beach teachers union accuses the superintendent of distorting details of a pay raise proposal. Palm Beach Post.
STEM. Florida needs more top-notch math and science teachers, Paul Cottle writes in the Tallahassee Democrat. More here.
Student health. Broward schools grapple with a nursing shortage. Sun-Sentinel. The United Nations praises Miami-Dade’s physical education programs. Miami Herald.
Security. A student is arrested for bringing a weapon to school. St. Augustine Record.