Around the state: A group of activists and educators headlined by bestselling author Jodi Picoult penned a letter calling on Gov. Ron DeSantis to “take concrete steps” to reverse policies like the “Stop WOKE Act” and measures allowing parents to challenge books in school libraries. Orlando Sentinel.
Palm Beach. The Foundations School, a private school operated by the Center of Creative Education, uses arts and creative education to propel students from low-income backgrounds to grade-level reading, math and science achievement. Founded in 2021, the school intends to demonstrate promising practices for other schools, including public schools. Philanthropy Roundtable.
Hillsborough: The school district is installing new stop sign cameras on school buses. Drivers who plow past a sign can get hit with a $225 fine. Tampa Bay Times. District officials recently bought land to build a new high school, middle school and elementary school in the fast-growing Plant City area. “There is significant growth in Plant City,” said Patti Rendon, HCPS Board Member for District 4. “Five thousand homes have been permitted. We need to establish infrastructure to support these new families that will be moving into Plant City. Plant City Observer.
Orange: Five candidates are vying for two open seats on the county school board. In the three-way race for District Four, a former public-school teacher is angling for a DeSantis endorsement in a race against a current district classroom teacher and a self-described full-time candidate. In the two-way race to fill a District Six seat vacated by former Democratic state Rep. Karen Castor Dentel, an attorney and education advocate is battling a former public-school teacher with connections to conservative causes. Orlando Sentinel.
Colleges and Universities: A new lawsuit filed in Leon County court by university faculty argues a 2023 law that required them to undergo tenure reviews every five years robs them of the protections inherent in their tenured positions. Palm Beach Post.