Search Results for: miss ana

Yin v. Yang

Cali libertarians counter school choice plan with pitch of their own This is the latest installment in our series on the center-left roots of school choice, and Part III of a serial about school choice efforts in late ‘70s California. Part II included a closer look at U.S. Rep. Leo Ryan and the game-changing voucher plan… Read more »

This week in school choice: A political liability

This week, Republicans made gains in off-year elections. Like in 2014, there are signs school choice may have helped the GOP make inroads with new groups of voters. See, for example, this National Journal analysis of Matt Bevin’s gubernatorial win in Kentucky. One of the most in­ter­est­ing events I at­ten­ded on the Ken­tucky cam­paign trail last week was… Read more »

Lawmakers propose constitutional overhaul for Florida school districts

Florida school districts would no longer be defined exclusively by county lines, under a constitutional amendment proposed by two state lawmakers. If passed by the Legislature and approved by voters, the amendments would allow the state or local governments to create new school districts — a concept analogous, in some ways, to the Recovery School District that helped… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Tax hike for schools and more

School tax hike: St. Johns County voters approve a half-cent sale tax increase to pay for new schools and renovate existing ones. St. Augustine Record. WJAX. Florida Politics. School testing: Brevard County Superintendent Desmond Blackburn is canceling 192 mandatory district-level assessments tests while he evaluates the county’s examination system. Florida Today. Gov. Rick Scott should raise… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Testing, teacher pay and more

School testing: A Polk County teacher’s resignation over her frustration with testing is going viral. Wendy Bradshaw wrote, in part, “Like many other teachers across the nation, I have become more and more disturbed by the misguided reforms taking place which are robbing my students of a developmentally appropriate education.” Lakeland Ledger. President Obama’s call to… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Gates Foundation, testing and more

Gates Foundation: Hillsborough County’s school district will dismantle the complex teacher evaluation system it developed six years ago with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Tampa Bay Times. School testing: This week’s Board of Education hearing reveals a perception gap among parents, school officials and business leaders on school testing and accountability. Miami Herald. Gradebook. Sunshine State News. Bridge… Read more »

A radical’s take on educational freedom

This guest post is part of our continuing series on the center-left roots of school choice. It may be hard for younger readers to imagine a time when to be anti-establishment was a position of the political left. Today, of course, the left is so well-ensconced in positions of power and influence in academia, media,… Read more »

Florida roundup: Charter schools, special needs, arts and more

Charter schools. Palm Beach school board members rebut the idea they are “anti-charter.” Palm Beach Post. Special needs. Lawmakers may try to curtail restraint and seclusion. Gradebook. Arts. A student from a Miami charter school draws praise from First Lady Michelle Obama for her poetry. Miami Herald. Florida art teachers huddle in Naples. Naples Daily News…. Read more »

A new kid on South Florida’s charter school block is growing fast

Sophia Salazar tried for nearly two decades to get her children into one of Broward County’s most sought-after school choice programs. Her oldest, now 26, didn’t win the lottery for the district’s Nova schools. She sent her second-oldest to private school. But when one of her children finally gained admission to the district’s highly regarded partnership with Nova… Read more »