Search Results for: miss ana

Florida schools roundup: Charters, magnet schools, Common Core & more

Charter schools: The Tamarac city commission seeks charter proposals for a high school. Sun Sentinel. A Bradenton charter school caters to young boys. Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Magnet schools: A proposal to reopen two Pinellas County elementary schools as technology magnets receives strong support from the school board. Tampa Bay Times. A Hillsborough County middle school STEM program lets students… Read more »

It’s not easy balancing school choice and regulatory accountability

As public education increasingly organizes itself around customized learning, determining how best to regulate this expanding diversity is a challenge. Fortunately, the Fordham Institute has been a thoughtful participant in this discussion over the last several years, and it made another valuable contribution today by releasing a policy toolkit to assist those of us on the… Read more »

Another school choice option blooms in Florida: Cambridge

Move over AP and IB. Another rigorous college prep program is catching on in high schools across Florida and adding to the state’s pace-setting expansion of school choice. The nonprofit Cambridge International Exams, now in more than 100 Florida schools, is tied to the prestigious University of Cambridge in England. That makes it attractive to… Read more »

redefinED roundup: ESAs to grow in AZ, DOJ in LA and Cantor vs. de Blasio

Alabama: The state’s new tax-credit scholarship program has nearly reached the $25 million cap ( A councilman of Birmingham says the Alabama Accountability Act must be repealed ( Alaska: The state should abolish the Blaine Amendment and allow private school vouchers (Daily News Miner). Arizona: Education reformers plan to rapidly expand the Education Savings Accounts… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Charters, magnets, Common Core & more

Charter schools: The Legislature considers proposals that would make it easier for the nontraditional public schools to open and provide more oversight. Sun Sentinel. Renaissance Charter Inc., one of the largest charter school operators in the country, is growing in North Florida despite a mixed record of achievement. Florida Times-Union. Lawmakers look at changes to the charter… Read more »

Thanks to school choice scholarship, he’s a 21st Century learner

by Perry Athanason Cristina Valdes noticed her fourth-grade son’s interest in learning start to fade and his behavior slip during the 2011-12 school year at their local elementary school and immediately took it as a red flag. Instead of concentrating on his teacher’s lessons, Jordan Garcia asked to take unnecessary bathroom breaks, roamed the halls… Read more »

Florida roundup: Common Core, Tony Bennett, school choice & more

Tax credit scholarships. A growing option for families in Pinellas. Tampa Bay Times. Charter schools. The proposed charter school at MacDill Air Force Base sparks a debate over charter school governance. Tampa Tribune. Polk State College aims to help high school dropouts with a new charter school. The Ledger. School choice. The Pinellas County School District… Read more »

redefinED roundup: Charter fraud in CA, vouchers under fire in LA, charters worried in NYC but hopeful in NJ

Alabama:  Former Gov. Bob Riley becomes chairman of the Alabama Opportunity Scholarship Fund (Southeast Sun, Education Week). Step Up for Students President Doug Tuthill sets the record straight regarding false accusations about the program ( California: Money may be the real motivator behind charter school conversions (Education Week, Hechinger Report). A man pleads guilty to stealing $7.2 million by establishing… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Gifted students, middle school math & more

Gifted needs: Central Florida school districts have few options to challenge young, highly gifted students. Orlando Sentinel. Literacy: A Polk County high school senior loves reading so much, she spends her free time collecting and distributing books to elementary school students struggling with reading. The Ledger. Math: Florida’s most critical K-12 need is improving middle school math,… Read more »