Política y Derecho
Manténgase bien informado sobre el cambiante panorama de políticas y leyes que afectan a las opciones de estudiantes, padres y educadores.

Nation’s Report Card documents continued academic decline
The NAEP released 2024 results last week, and the results continued to disappoint, especially for disadvantaged student groups. While scores began to recover among high end performers, the decline continued among lower performers, as can be seen in the eighth grade math chart below: Rick Hess summarized the bad news:... LEER MÁSHera Varmah: National School Choice Week celebrates the power of education
As we celebrate National School Choice Week, we’re reflecting on educational freedom’s profound impact on students, families, and communities. This week, we’re not just celebrating the opportunities that school choice...
LEER MÁSBootleggers don’t find religious tolerance convenient or profitable
In 2022 I wrote a piece here at Next Steps declaring myself President of the “Religious Charter Schools Should Be Permitted, Mandatory and Non-existent” club. Every other group under the...
LEER MÁSShall we play a game?
Australian defense economist/YouTube PowerPoint superstar Perun has provided another insightful video which is must-see viewing for anyone seeking to understand politics. US Navy Procurement Disasters – The Littoral Combat Ship...
LEER MÁSCan you get ‘enough’ school variety?
Last week I had an opportunity to speak in Boise, Idaho, on school choice and the Arizona experience. In an interview on NPR, I addressed claims by choice opponents that...
LEER MÁSFive faces of 500,000: These Florida families took control of their children’s educational destiny
As the movement for education options gains momentum across the country, there remains a clear national leader: Florida. This school year, the Sunshine State’s education savings account programs are larger...
LEER MÁSESA opponents endorse Anarcho-Capitalism in surprise move
When I was in graduate school, one of my fellow students described the movie Sudden Death to me. Something about terrorists, the vice president, a professional hockey game and Jean-Claude...
LEER MÁSThe third era of public education
Public education in the United States is transitioning from its second to third paradigm. Paradigm shifts in public education occur when larger societal changes force public education to change to...
LEER MÁSPalmetto state parents fight to regain power to send their kids to private schools
Two South Carolina parents are fighting to reclaim the power to direct their children’s education after a state Supreme Court ruling ripped it away only weeks into the new school...
LEER MÁSCommentary: Educational Choice for Children Act should be GOP’s top priority
By Shaka Mitchell After this month’s election, which has resulted in a surprising Republican trifecta, the first action GOP lawmakers should take is to pass and sign the Educational Choice...
LEER MÁSRising parent demand stretches Florida’s Personalized Education Program to its limit for 2024-25
Florida’s scholarship program for K-12 students who don’t attend school full-time has turned on the “no vacancy” sign. The Personalized Education Program operates as an education savings account that allocates...