Search Results for: miss ana

Florida roundup: Charter schools, budgets, testing and more

Charter schools. The mayor of West Palm Beach is pushing for a city-run charter school to help turn around “appalling” test results. Palm Beach Post. Testing. The state releases sample questions and other new details about the FCAT’s replacement. Orlando Sentinel. Tampa Tribune. Tampa Bay Times. More from Sentinel School Zone. Education Commissioner Pam Stewart… Read more »

Florida roundup: Digital learning, campaigns, special needs and more

Digital learning. Two previously defunct Pinellas schools are set to reopen as magnets focused on digital instruction. Tampa Bay Times. Tampa Tribune. Campaigns. Collier County school board candidates express “general support for school choice” during a public forum that touches on charters and vouchers. Naples Daily News. An Okaloosa County School Board candidate campaigns on… Read more »

Mr. Gibbons’ Report Card: MO limits school choice, Dems supporting vouchers, Reps opposing vouchers

Missouri Board of Education The Missouri State Board of Education took steps this week to curtail public school transfers between school districts. State law currently allows students in failing public school districts (read unaccredited districts) to transfer to higher-performing districts. Receiving districts were required to accept all students, and sending districts were required to pay… Read more »

Florida roundup: Migrant students, whistleblowers, campaigns and more

Tax credit scholarships. A Miami Herald guest column attacks the program for not being subject to the same regulations as the public school system. Students in the program should be assessed in science, FSU professor Paul Cottle writes in the Tallahassee Democrat. Migrant students. The Miami-Dade school board plans to seek more federal funding to accommodate an… Read more »

redefinED roundup: de Blasio to the rescue? Vouchers increase property values and more news

Alabama: Judge Gene Reese issues a stay on his own injunction against the Alabama Accountability Act school choice program (, Montgomery Advertiser, redefinED, American Federation for Children). The decision to lift the injunction takes uncertainty away from low-income families ( Jeff Reed, public relations director for the Friedman Foundation, says school choice thrives in the… Read more »

Florida roundup: School choice, competition, digital learning and more

Competition. If school district employees are enrolling their children in private schools or charters, Pasco Superintendent Kurt Browning wants to know why, and what district schools can do better. Gradebook. Special needs. Teachers help a child, born prematurely, to make it to kindergarten. Tampa Bay Times. School choice. A move to open enrollment would give the… Read more »

Invisible no more: New book profiles school choice success stories

In 2006, thousands of people jammed the courtyard next to the Florida Capitol not long after the Florida Supreme Court struck down the state’s first school voucher program. I was a reporter covering the state education beat, and in the second sentence of my story I noted the obvious: The majority of rally goers were… Read more »

Florida roundup: Charter schools, private schools, teachers and more

Charter schools. Palm Beach County charter schools say it would be an “injustice” for the school district not to share revenue from a tax levy that helps fund art and music programs. Palm Beach Post. Sun-Sentinel. An Okaloosa charter school is starting a new program for fourth and fifth graders who struggle in a traditional environment…. Read more »