Florida Board of Education openings. Two coming up, notes Gradebook.
When Florida and Mississippi schools were peas in a pod. Jackson Clarion-Ledger.

Tax credit scholarships in Chronicle of Philanthropy. (subscription required) The story leads with Step Up For Students and quotes “neovoucher” expert Kevin Welner: “He also argues that most states don’t really know if they are saving money, since few have closely tracked how many students receiving scholarships would have gone to private schools without them.” Welner has raised this argument before, and it’s not the case in Florida, as redefinED has noted.
Charter school facilities funding. A state task force deadlocks on recommendations, reports the St. Augustine Record.
Charter school pay raises. Charter schools in Lake Wales look for ways to compensate their teachers, reports the News Chief.
F charter schools. Two in Escambia offer updates to the school board, reports the Pensacola News Journal.
Amendment 8 in the Washington Post. The amendment and its impact on vouchers is referenced, incorrectly, in a story on quality control issues with the D.C. voucher program. Here again is the real story.