Florida roundup: parent trigger, charter schools, school rankings & more

Parent trigger. Parent trigger is headed to the Senate floor, with growing potential for drama. Coverage from redefinED and The Buzz. The latest from Diane Ravitch’s blog.

florida roundup logoCharter schools. The Pinellas County School Board agrees to sell the site of a former middle school to a charter school venture started by Cheri Shannon, former head of the Florida Charter School Alliance, reports the Tampa Bay Times. More from the Tampa Tribune. Lawmakers adopt language that would reign in the kind of abuses that happened last year at an Orlando charter, reports Gradebook. The International Studies Charter Middle/High School in Miami is ranked No. 2 in Florida and No. 15 in the nation by U.S. News & World Report’s annual ranking of top high schools, reports the Miami Herald.

Teacher quality. A piece of the parent trigger bill regarding ineffective teachers is attached to the teacher eval bill, just in case parent trigger doesn’t pass. The Buzz.

Teacher evals. U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan urges Florida to make its teacher eval system better, reports the Associated Press. In an editorial, the Ocala Star Banner agrees but also says: “A full generation of Florida schoolchildren have gone through the FCAT process, and in spite of the many political, mechanical and bureaucratic foul-ups along the way, Florida is making remarkable and steady educational progress. That is largely thanks to its teachers and local school officials.”

Teacher conduct. The Hillsborough County School Board reverses an earlier decision to stop posting the names of employees facing suspension or dismissal. Tampa Bay Times.

Turnaround. In an attempt to jumpstart struggling Lacoochee Elementary, Superintendent Kurt Browning is replacing the entire staff. Tampa Bay Times.

Religion. The Hillsborough School Board is again wrestling with what religious materials are okay for students to circulate. Tampa Bay Times.

Gays and lesbians. An assistant principal in Pasco accuses her principal of anti-gay and abusive comments, reports the Tampa Bay Times. The Lake County School Board postpones a decision on the creation of a Gay-Straight Alliance club at a middle school, reports the Orlando Sentinel.

School rankings. The latest U.S. News & World Report ranking of high schools generates coverage in the Miami Herald, South Florida Sun SentinelSarasota Herald Tribune, Daytona Beach News Journal, Florida Today. Five Alachua schools make the Washington Post’s list of top schools, report the Gainesville Sun.

School safety. Bay Superintendent Bill Husfelt says the district doesn’t have the money to beef up security. Panama City News Herald.

School spending. Brevard saves $8.5 million by refinancing debt. Florida Today.

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BY Ron Matus

Ron Matus is director of Research & Special Projects at Step Up for Students and a former editor of redefinED. He joined Step Up in February 2012 after 20 years in journalism, including eight years as an education reporter with the Tampa Bay Times (formerly the St. Petersburg Times).

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