STEM. Florida’s science results on the Nation’s Report Card improve, and beat the national average. Orlando Sentinel.
Tax credit scholarships. Florida Today‘s Matt Reed examines the lawsuit against the state’s tax credit scholarship program in a video segment. Step Up For Students, which publishes this blog, helps administer the scholarships.
Time suck. Palm Beach teachers miss hours of class time sitting in meetings. Palm Beach Post.
Dress code. The ACLU backs one student’s protest. Tampa Bay Times.
Digital learning. St. Johns County school officials grapple with the state’s new digital classrooms law. St. Augustine Record.
Graduation rates. A state probe finds Marion public-school officials did not deliberately falsify documents to artificially inflate their students’ results. Ocala Star-Banner.
Turnarounds. The state Board of Education approves overhauls of more public schools after previous plans were rejected. TC Palm. Lakeland Ledger.
Student health. Lee County schools promote dance and proper nutrition. Fort Myers News-Press.
Teacher conduct. A Bay County middle school teacher faces a sexual battery charge. Panama City News Herald.
Pay raises. The Hernando teachers union is close to a deal with the school district. Tampa Bay Times.
Plagiarism. The Palm Beach County School Board tightens rules after multiple administrators are caught lifting others’ words. Sun-Sentinel.
School boards. A former Palm Beach board member is set to plead guilty in a bribery case. Sun-Sentinel.