Thanks to a school choice archeologist

This is the latest in our series on school choice and the political left.

Adam Emerson
Adam Emerson

It’s amazing how many artifacts of the Voucher Left, but half buried and glinting in the sun, have been missed by so many. But not every potential archeologist has shrugged and walked on.

Voucher Left logo snippedWriters like Matthew Miller, in this piece for The Atlantic, and Peter Schrag, in this piece for The American Prospect, have accurately characterized the school choice movement in all its eclectic glory. Today, we’d like to pause and highlight the contributions of another.

Adam Emerson was redefinED’s founding editor before moving on to first, a gig as the Fordham Institute’s “school choice czar,” and now, charter schools director at the Florida Department of Education. At the same time he was setting the bar for quality at the blog’s dawn five years ago, Adam was unearthing gems from the sprawling dig that is choice and the left. Among them:

As we continue our Voucher Left series, it’s only fitting we share Adam’s work with redefinED readers who may have missed it the first time around, or who find, like we do, that it’s well worth reading again. Eventually, we hope, the center-left pillars of choice will be more widely recognized, appreciated and emulated.

When that time comes, we also hope due credit is extended to patient excavators like Adam, who, politely but persistently, wouldn’t let us forget what was right in front of us.

Among his other Voucher Left posts:

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BY Ron Matus

Ron Matus is director for policy and public affairs at Step Up for Students and a former editor of redefinED. He joined Step Up in February 2012 after 20 years in journalism, including eight years as an education reporter with the Tampa Bay Times (formerly the St. Petersburg Times). Ron can be reached at [email protected] or (727) 451-9830. Follow him on Twitter @RonMatus1 and on facebook at