Report cards: Palm Beach County second-graders won’t see traditional A-F grades on report cards this year as the district moves toward a standard-based system. Sun Sentinel.
Charter schools: There are already 40 charter schools in Palm Beach County, serving 12,000 students, with another 11 set to open this fall. Palm Beach Post.
More magnets: Palm Beach County school board members want more arts high school and middle school magnet programs. Palm Beach Post.
Tony Bennett: Indiana school officials continue to investigate school grading manipulation that could result in changes to that state’s system created by Tony Bennett. Associated Press.
Back to school: One of Central Florida’s largest back-to-school events, which has drawn 30,000 people, will be held this year at the Citrus Bowl. Orlando Sentinel.
FCAT: “Don’t, don’t, don’t focus on the FCAT,” Pasco County schools Superintendent Kurt Browning tells the staff at Lacoochee Elementary, a D school tapped by the state for a turnaround. “I don’t care about FCAT. I don’t.” Tampa Bay Times.
Teacher conduct: A special-education specialist fired for her role in a high-profile scandal is reinstated by the Miami-Dade School Board. Miami Herald. Another Manatee County school administrator is placed on paid leave during an ongoing investigation into a former football coach accused of groping students. The Tampa Tribune. More from the Bradenton Herald.
Library cuts: The Miami-Dade School Board may open some of the district’s libraries after hours to offset the closure of some 14 facilities. Miami Herald.
Welcome back: It’s the first day of school for more than 86,000 students in Lee County. News-Press. Brevard County public school teachers return to the classroom a week ahead of their students. Florida Today.
Special needs: Knox Academy in Bonita Springs works with special needs students that struggle to get attention in public schools. News-Press.
Florida Virtual School: More on the online education program’s teacher layoffs from The Tampa Bay Times.
Not alone: Hernando County teachers and volunteers band together to help Eastside Elementary, the first school in the district to receive an F from the state. Tampa Bay Times.
Pay raise: The United School Employees of Pasco talk pay bumps with the Pasco County school district. Tampa Bay Times.
Too old? A 69-year-old Collier County teacher files discrimination charges against the Collier County school district, saying he is being denied a full-time classroom job because of his age. Naples Daily News.
Regional fix: Manatee, Sarasota and Charlotte school board members believe they can help the state with its school grading system. Sarasota Herald-Tribune.