
Your guide to the intersection of school choice, the courts and the constitution.


With no court ruling, almost 3,000 South Carolina ESA families face uncertainty as new school year draws closer

The latest: With about a month left before the new school year begins, nearly 3,000 South Carolina students and their families still face uncertainty as they wait for the South Carolina Supreme Court to rule on the program’s constitutionality. The good news for families is that it’s business as usual,... READ MORE
A victory in the Treasure State
Families of children with special needs who signed up for Montana’s just-launched education savings accounts are celebrating. A judge blocked an attempt to halt the program while courts hear a...
Alaska high court ruling ensures certainty during upcoming school year for thousands of families using unique ed choice program
The news: About 23,000 families who rely on a unique Alaska’s education unique correspondence program that dates to before statehood will not have to scramble to find other educational options...
Arkansas education choice opponents want to challenge like it’s 1999 – in Florida 
The story: After trying once and failing, opponents of Arkansas legislation that established education savings accounts are trying again to shut it down with a lawsuit.  The latest: The complaint,...
Religious charter schools are not okay, Oklahoma high court rules
  The big news: In a closely watched case that could have national ramifications, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled a proposed religious charter school that the state approved last year...
Utah becomes the latest battleground in the fight over education savings accounts
The headline: Utah’s largest teachers union filed a lawsuit against the nation’s second most expansive program that allows parents to direct their children’s public education funding.  Driving the news: The Utah...
Despite landmark court rulings, ‘Blaine amendments’ keep causing education controversies
Your guide to the intersection of school choice, the courts and the constitution.  In 2020 and 2022, the nation’s highest court threw a one-two punch at state bans on religious schools’ eligibility...
Trial judge strikes down unique program that offers education choice to Alaska families
Nearly 24,000 Alaska homeschooled students who use a unique state program to customize their education would have to scramble for alternatives under a trial court ruling that struck down a...
Oklahoma Supreme Court prepares to weigh in on precedent-setting religious charter school lawsuit
  An attorney defending the Oklahoma’s charter school board wasted no time identifying the primary issue before the Oklahoma Supreme Court.   “This is whether the operation of a charter...
Oklahoma’s high court to hear arguments in Catholic virtual school lawsuit
The story: All eyes will be on Oklahoma on Tuesday as the state’s highest court hears arguments about the constitutionality of what could be the nation’s first faith-based charter school....
New NextSteps feature tracks education choice challenges
Welcome to docketED, your guide to the intersection of school choice, the courts and the constitution.  If 2023 was the year of school choice for supporters, 2024 is shaping up...