Teacher pay. Gov. Rick Scott embarks on his Teacher Pay Raise Pep Rally Tour. Coverage from the South Florida Sun Sentinel, Palm Beach Post, Florida Times Union, Associated Press, StateImpact Florida. Teachers are “fed up with being used as political pawns,” says Pinellas teachers union president Kim Black in this Steve Bousquet piece.
Charter schools. Gradebook pulls up some stats before today’s discussion about charter schools at the Pasco County School Board. An amendment to the charter school bill makes it easier for charter schools to fire teachers, Gradebook also reports.
School security. The elementary school principals in Hillsborough who have armed guards in their schools like them. Tampa Bay Times.
School discipline. Hillsborough needs to follow up on conversations to address high suspension rates for black males. Tampa Bay Times.
School spending. Freeze in financially troubled Manatee. Bradenton Herald.
Common Core. In Hillsborough, parents take a look, reports StateImpact Florida. Will Florida be ready by 2014? asks Gradebook. Deputy Chancellor Mary Jane Tappen explains them to 300 teachers, parents and others in Collier, reports the Naples Daily News.
Superintendents. Fifteen have applied so far to be St. Lucie County’s next superintendent. TCPalm.com.
Gays and lesbians. The latest on a proposed Gay-Straight Alliance in Lake. Orlando Sentinel.