Charter schools. The Pembroke Pines Charter Schools system, which recently cut teacher pay, is asking parents to pay $1,000 per student per year to restore the system’s reserves. South Florida Sun Sentinel. Gov. Rick Scott signs the bill boosting accountability for charter schools. Orlando Sentinel.
Common Core. FEA President Andy Ford says too much testing could sour the public on it. StateImpact Florida.
School grades. Tony Bennett meets with the school grades task force, which includes a number of superintendents, but says he won’t make changes just to soften the blow of bad grades. Orlando Sentinel, Tampa Bay Times, StateImpact Florida, Palm Beach Post, News Service of Florida, Tallahassee Democrat.
Dual enrollment. Tony Bennett says districts and state colleges need to better collaborate in the wake of the Legislature’s decision to shift costs to districts. Gradebook.
Parent power. The Pensacola News Journal writes up the new law that gives more power to parents of students with disabilities.
Superintendents. Duval’s Nikolai Vitti: “Folks here know that public education can be better. And they’re willing to put their shoulder to the wheel to make it better.” StateImpact Florida.
Teachers unions. The Broward union wins an arbitration case involving changes to the high school schedule. South Florida Sun Sentinel, Miami Herald.
Tardiness. Alachua looks for ways to crack down on chronic tardiness. Gainesville Sun.
School spending. Walton will consider upping the millage rate for capital improvements. Northwest Florida Daily News.