Editor’s note: This article appeared Saturday on Oklahoma’s ktul.com.
During the upcoming legislative session, Oklahoma lawmakers could take up SB 822, the Education Freedom Act, which aims to allow parents to set up education savings accounts for their children.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters (R) is supporting the measure. In a statement, Walters shared that, “I will fiercely advocate as state superintendent Oklahoma’s students are our first priority. Every option is on the table to make our education system better. We must innovate and advocate for change at all levels in education.”
Piedmont resident Brent Backus also spoke in favor of the legislation. He asserted that he had limited education options growing up — and wants more school choice for current students. In his view, “The RINO’s, and the liberals, and the labor unions won’t support free choice for the parents. And they should be ashamed of themselves.”
The act would allow parents to set up accounts with the Oklahoma State Treasurer and use the money for education services, including tuition. The available amount would be based on the yearly per-student education expense from the state.
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