Editor’s note: This commentary from Sandra O’Brien, a Republican member of the Ohio Senate, appeared Monday on Ohio’s dispatch.com.
The Parent Educational Freedom Act, Senate Bill 11, offers the best educational opportunity for students of both public and private schools.
As a former public school educator, I know each child is unique and what works for one student might not work for another. Parents and students deserve the ability to find a school best suited for their success and well-being. This bill guarantees the right to choose the school that best fits their needs.
My bill will provide $5,500 per year for students in grades K-8 and $7,500 per year for students in grades 9-12. This is exactly the same benefit that is currently being provided through Ohio’s existing Ed Choice Scholarship Program for children in academically failing public schools.
For the past 20 years, there have been constant accusations that Ohio taxpayers have underfunded our public schools. This is a false narrative.
Here is what you, the taxpayers, have done for public schools:
Most of us recently received our property tax bills. On average, two-thirds of these dollars go to our local public schools. If my bill passes, not one of these dollars will go to private schools.
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