As we prepare to say goodbye to 2023, it is worth noting what an extraordinary year it was for parental choice advocates. As recently as 2022, no states had statewide choice policies with broad eligibility. A few months later, the informal NextSteps “Robusto Private Choice” map is looking much better.
Expect to see more states “going green” in 2024.
Note on the map for instance that all the not-as-yet green states in the Southeastern Conference footprint border one or more green states. States with universal choice programs with formula funding did not only pass choice programs for the families living in their states, but also for anyone willing to become a family living in their states. Alabama and Georgia lawmakers should consider remaining competitive or else northern Florida might start looking extremely attractive to young families in southern Alabama and southern Georgia.
Meanwhile, despite unprecedented growth, the private choice movement will have to stomp on the gas if they are going to catch up to the homeschooling movement:
Stay tuned to this channel for more exciting developments in the months ahead.