Matthew Ladner
My background story
What I did before joining Step Up For Students
What do I do on my day off?
How to reach out?
02/11/25 | Matthew Ladner
Can Arizona regain the lost golden age of NAEP improvement?
“Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head; And this our life, exempt from public haunt, Find...
02/04/25 | Matthew Ladner
Nation’s Report Card documents continued academic decline
The NAEP released 2024 results last week, and the results continued to disappoint, especially for disadvantaged student groups. While scores began to recover among high end performers, the decline continued...
01/27/25 | Matthew Ladner
Bootleggers don’t find religious tolerance convenient or profitable
In 2022 I wrote a piece here at Next Steps declaring myself President of the “Religious Charter Schools Should Be Permitted, Mandatory and Non-existent” club. Every other group under the...
01/21/25 | Matthew Ladner
Shall we play a game?
Australian defense economist/YouTube PowerPoint superstar Perun has provided another insightful video which is must-see viewing for anyone seeking to understand politics. US Navy Procurement Disasters – The Littoral Combat Ship...
01/14/25 | Matthew Ladner
Can you get ‘enough’ school variety?
Last week I had an opportunity to speak in Boise, Idaho, on school choice and the Arizona experience. In an interview on NPR, I addressed claims by choice opponents that...
01/07/25 | Matthew Ladner
Growth vs. decline
The Brennan Center has released projections of congressional reapportionment following the 2030 Census. The Brennan Center projects Florida and Texas to be the big winners, with each state gaining four...
12/24/24 | Matthew Ladner
ESA opponents endorse Anarcho-Capitalism in surprise move
When I was in graduate school, one of my fellow students described the movie Sudden Death to me. Something about terrorists, the vice president, a professional hockey game and Jean-Claude...
12/17/24 | Matthew Ladner
ProPublica goes full Dale Gribble
The television classic “King of the Hill” included a character known as Dale, who despite being a conspiracy theorist is entirely oblivious to the fact that that his wife is...
12/10/24 | Matthew Ladner
Ivy League Plus: Destructive or overrated?
David Brooks has a piece in the Atlantic called How the Ivy League Broke America: The meritocracy isn’t working We need something new that is generating a lot of...
12/04/24 | Matthew Ladner
Surpluses are just a party, and parties…
During World War II the British kept a group of stately manors for high-ranking German military prisoners. The British treated them well in these gilded cages, giving them full access...
11/26/24 | Matthew Ladner
Gen X lowers the hammer with more blows on the way
For we who grew up tall and proud In the shadow of the mushroom cloud Convinced our voices can’t be heard We just want to scream it louder and louder...
11/19/24 | Matthew Ladner
The pursuit of educational happiness in Arizona’s Roosevelt Elementary District
Facing a multimillion-dollar deficit, the board of the Roosevelt Elementary School District in Phoenix Arizona recently began a debate over a proposal to close as many as five schools, a...
11/13/24 | Matthew Ladner
Parent power is REAL
Vice President Harris received more votes from every generation of Americans except Gen X, but as it happens the loss of Gen X proved decisive. Gen X, Americans born between...
11/05/24 | Matthew Ladner
Election 2024: ‘Everything sad comes untrue’
Today is election day in America. In the immortal words of C3PO “Thank the Maker!” I do not know about the rest of you, but I am well past my...
10/30/24 | Matthew Ladner
Public schools and the looming shortage of American labor
Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has calculated a worker shortage index for each state, calculating the ratio of people looking for work...
10/22/24 | Matthew Ladner
Apocalypse NOT, Permissionless Education NOW
Francis Ford Coppola shot a scene for Apocalypse Now set in a plantation owned by die-hard French imperialists holding out in Vietnam. Set in 1968 during the height of the...
10/15/24 | Matthew Ladner
Milton Friedman welcomes two warriors into school choice Valhalla
Sad news this week: Two great warriors for education choice, Institute for Justice co-founder Chip Mellor and the Walton Family Foundation’s Caleb Offley, died on the same day. The Wall...
10/15/24 | Matthew Ladner
Families adapt to the dysfunctional K-12 system — if they can afford it
Education Next published a piece recently by Holly Korbey called The Tutoring Revolution, which reads in part: Recent research suggests that the number of students seeking help with academics is...