redefinED roundup: Tax credits in Arizona, vouchers in Wisconsin, charter schools in New Mexico & more

Illinois: The Chicago Teachers Union and privately-run charter schools railed against potential district funding cuts (Chicago Tribune). Gov. Pat Quinn’s administration  will partially restore funding to the United Neighborhood Organization so the charter school operator can finish a new soccer academy high school by this fall (Chicago Tribune).

MondayRoundUpArizona: The Senate approves the expansion of a school choice program that adds kindergartners and increases funding for students who leave charter  schools for private schools (Associated Press). More from the Arizona Daily Star. The legislature passed a bill expanding the type of corporations eligible to participate as donors in the state’s tax credit scholarship program and streamlined the approval process (Cato Institute).

Louisiana: Lawmakers find new funding stream for voucher program (Education Week). More from the Associated Press.

Indiana: A new state law will give high-performing school districts or schools more flexibility in designing their own curriculum, professional programs and schedules (Indianapolis Star). Another new law limits how much state aid charter schools can receive to target adult drop0outs (Associated Press).

Wisconsin: Wauwatosa School District officials protest the opening of an independent charter school in the city because it could directly compete with them for students and state funds (Journal Sentinel). Gov. Scott Walker says he is comfortable with the slow expansion of the school voucher program (Associated Press). Critics of the statewide school voucher expansion continue calling attention to campaign donations given to Sen. Alberta Darling, co-chair  of the committee that recommended the start of the expansion (Wisconsin Public Radio). State Superintendent Tony Evers speaks out against the state budget proposal to expand the voucher school system (Journal Sentinel). A traditional elementary school starts a special program for gifted students with great success (Education News).

Maine: Senate Democrats pass a bill that gives communities more input and control over approval of charter schools, but there still are more hurdles (Morning Sentinel).

Florida: Nearly every teacher and parent at Rowlett Magnet Elementary voted to go forward with plans for a charter conversion school (redefinED).

New Jersey: State Education Commissioner Chris Cerf denies final approval for two proposed online charter schools (Education News). Proposed legislation would create a special board to oversee charter school bids (NJ Spotlight).  Schools Superintendent Cami Anderson proposes a plan to combine enrollment for district and charter schools, and allow parents to rank schools citywide (Star-Ledger).

North Carolina: State Board of Education Chairman Bill Cobey says he supports a bill that would provide opportunity scholarships for students from low-income families to attend private or parochial schools (News & Observer). House Republicans included a controversial private school voucher proposal in the state budget (Winston-Salem Journal). More from the Charlotte Observer.

New York: As Rochester’s charter schools continue to grow, the city’s school district is shrinking (Democrat and Chronicle).

Pennsylvania: The Philadelphia school district plans to open a virtual academy to lure students and families back to the system (Education Week).

Michigan: State education leaders call for better-regulated school choice and more funding for schools with the neediest students, among other changes (Battle Creek Inquirer).

Virginia: An Alexandria high school opens up a satellite campus with a virtual program at the mall and sees more students graduate (Washington Post).

Iowa: Gov. Terry Branstad signs into law legislation that expands tax credits for private school scholarship donations (Des Moines Register).

South Carolina: Lawmakers debate on school choice issues, including tax credit scholarships, as they work to adopt budget before July 1 (The State).

Delaware: Lawmakers pass a new bill that improves charter school accountability, raises standards for new charters and appropriates new state funding (NewsWorks).

New Mexico: Big Brothers Big Sisters is partnering with two Albuquerque charter schools, providing education mentors for students (Albuquerque Journal).

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BY Sherri Ackerman

Sherri Ackerman is the former associate editor of redefinED. She is a former correspondent for the Tampa Bay Times and reporter for The Tampa Tribune, writing about everything from cops and courts to social services and education. She grew up in Indiana and moved to Tampa as a teenager, graduating from Brandon High School and, later, from the University of South Florida with a bachelor’s degree in mass communications/news editing. Sherri passed away in March 2016.

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