Florida roundup: Pitbull, teacher conduct, tax credit scholarships & more

Charter schools. The Miami Herald writes up the latest celebrity champion for charter schools: rapper Pitbull. Palm Beach Post columnist Frank Cerabino isn’t a fan.

florida roundup logoTax credit scholarships. The “escalator” provision on the enrollment cap for Florida’s program – something most programs in other states do not have – is a plus for low-income parents and taxpayers, writes Cato’s Jason Bedrick.

Testing. What should replace the FCAT? StateImpact Florida. Florida plans for using PARCC tests remains uncertain. Gradebook.

School grades. There needs to be truth in advertising, Tony Bennett says. Gradebook. Manatee officials like the proposed tweaks. Bradenton Herald. So do officials in Volusia and Flagler. Daytona Beach News Journal.

School spending. Miami-Dade considers a $4.3 billion budget. Miami Herald. Lake wants impact fees reinstated. Orlando Sentinel.

School technology. Middle and high school students train teachers on the latest. South Florida Sun Sentinel.

STEM. USF offers an elite camp for a handful of gifted high school students from around the country. Tampa Bay Times.

Teacher conduct. As part of a settlement deal, a former Gilchrist County teacher of the year accused of inappropriate behavior with female students will not return to the classroom but will get $54,000 in unpaid sick leave. Gainesville Sun.

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BY Ron Matus

Ron Matus is director of Research & Special Projects at Step Up for Students and a former editor of redefinED. He joined Step Up in February 2012 after 20 years in journalism, including eight years as an education reporter with the Tampa Bay Times (formerly the St. Petersburg Times).

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