Search Results for: miss ana

Charter student performance, book-banning bill and more

Charter students’ performance: Florida charter school students are outperforming their traditional public school peers in nearly every category of achievement, according to a report issued by the Florida Department of Education. Students in charter schools had a higher level of achievement on statewide assessment test in 63 of 77 comparisons, had higher learning gains in… Read more »

Spending on education, scholarship, test fees and more

Education spending: Senate Republicans are proposing to boost Florida’s K-12 education spending by $1.1 billion, an increase of $350 per student, for a total of $22.2 billion. That’s 5 percent higher than last year’s spending, and $500 million more than Gov. Ron DeSantis has asked for. Among the items in the bill, which cleared the… Read more »

Charter schools, disqualification list, bonuses and more

Charter schools expansion: A bill that could expand the number of charter schools in low-income neighborhoods in Florida is passed by the PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee. The bill would allow “Schools of Hope” charters to open in 427 financially struggling neighborhoods with persistently low-performing schools that are designated as “opportunity zones” by President Trump’s tax bill… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Banning books, spending on guardians, charters and more

Book-banning move: The Florida Citizens Alliance says it has identified about 100 textbooks and library books in state schools that are “pornographic,” preach religious “indoctrination,” push “unbalanced propaganda” relating to climate change and violate Florida laws. It wants them removed, and many fear that the group, which has influence with the governor and Legislature, could… Read more »

How the Florida education revolution began

Editor’s note: March 2 marked the 20th anniversary of the legislative session in which Florida Gov. Jeb Bush launched a number of K-12 reforms that transformed education throughout the state. With the start of the 2019 legislative session earlier this month, redefinED embarked upon a series of articles that examine aspects of Bush’s K-12 education revolution and… Read more »