Search Results for: miss ana

Florida schools roundup: Charters, regulations, recycling success and more

Creating charters: Erika Donalds, a member of the Collier County School Board and the Florida Constitution Revision Commission, has already proposed constitutional amendments that would eliminate pay for school board members and impose term limits on them, end the election of school superintendents and allow legislators to “make provision” for educational services in addition to the… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Education amendments, book ban and more

Education amendments: Two Florida school officials are offering amendments to the state constitution that would provide more public financial support for schools other than traditional public schools. Marva Johnson, a member of the Florida Board of Education and Florida Constitution Revision Commission, is urging changes that would allow public money to be used for private schools… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Resegregation, board term limits, Libre and more

Segregation and graduation: The resegregation of Florida schools, reported in a recent study, is likely to have a negative impact on graduation rates in the state. The authors of another study say dropout rates rise a percentage point for black students and 3 percentage points for Hispanics in U.S. school districts that don’t require integration… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Extra reading, amendments, start times and more

Extra reading results: The extra hour of reading the state requires each day at the 300 lowest-performing elementary schools appears to be paying off. In Duval County, two-thirds of the schools that have the extra hour show reading gains, and improvements among the 300 designated schools are greater than at other schools, according to data… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: A call for reform, teacher pay, KIPP and more

A call for reform: Legislators and local school officials are calling for better oversight of private schools that get millions of dollars from the state’s three scholarship programs. A series in the Orlando Sentinel last week detailed how some of those schools hired uncertified teachers with criminal backgrounds and submitted falsified fire reports for years… Read more »

Key black school choice organization to close at the end of the year

The education reform movement will lose an important voice at the end of this year. The Black Alliance for Educational Options sent a note to supporters this morning announcing it will “cease operations” after Dec. 31. The group played a unique role in the school choice movement. It challenged charter and school voucher advocates to… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Charter schools, kids’ well-being, pay and more

Charter schools: The Florida Department of Education overrules the Manatee County School Board’s denial of a charter school application last year. Parrish Charter Academy’s application was denied because board members decided the school’s plan did not meet state standards in five areas and did so only partially in four others. Parrish appealed, and the department followed… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Teacher pay, choice, workplace hostility and more

Teacher pay: School districts should stop paying teachers by a rigid formula that is calculated solely by degree obtained and experience, Rep. Manny Diaz, R-Hialeah, tells a group of charter school leaders. “They’re treated in a fashion as if they were labor workers in a technical industry,” says Diaz. “They’re not. They’re professionals.” He says… Read more »