Search Results for: miss ana

Preferred pronouns, district investigated for alleged discrimination, and more

Around the state: Orange school board members said district teachers have the option of calling students by their preferred pronouns as long as the students have permission from a parent, the Hillsborough school district and the University of Tampa are being investigated by the U.S. Department of Education for alleged discrimination, Pasco school board members... Read more »

Charter schools, principal removed, Pink’s claim checked, and more

Around the state: A study of charter schools' performance in nine U.S. cities shows that their students made greater academic gains than students in traditional public schools even though charter schools received less money, a Martin County high school principal is reprimanded and will be removed after having a student strip to his underwear in... Read more »

Get smart fast, vol. 19

The most common method for identifying students with dyslexia involves tests that detect a “discrepancy” between a student’s IQ and their reading performance. It’s discredited, but still widely used, leaving large numbers of students without help they should be getting. Up to around 20 percent of the U.S. population has dyslexia, a neurological condition that makes… Read more »