Search Results for: miss ana

Families should be free to choose schools they trust

Every school, whether intentionally or not, teaches more than academic subjects. Simply participating in the daily life of a school, its routines and how it justifies and enforces them, its norms for relationships among pupils (of the same age and of different ages) and between youth and adults, the ways in which adults relate to… Read more »

Sal Khan: The education establishment is “in violent agreement with us”

In a recent interview with Slate, Khan Academy founder Salman Khan is asked how he gets the education establishment to go along with his vision (and the vision of many others) of using technology to better customize learning. His answer doesn’t include the term “seat time,” but he suggests most of “the establishment” (he uses air quotes,… Read more »

redefinED roundup: voucher talk in Texas, parent trigger in Michigan and more

Texas: Recent political appointments show more stars lining up for vouchers in the next legislative session. (Houston Chronicle) Michigan: Parent Revolution leader Ben Austin criticizes a parent trigger proposal in Michigan because for-profit charter schools would be among the options parents could select for a school turnaround. (Education Week) Florida: School boards pass resolution after resolution against… Read more »

Agonizing over Amendment 8

Our preoccupation these days with a Florida amendment removing the state’s no-aid-to-religion clause may strike some redefinED readers as a touch obsessive, and we won’t argue the point. But the truth is that we agonize over whether to write at all, and we want to explain why. At the end of the day, we are… Read more »

redefinED roundup: Ed reform tension at the DNC, charter school expansion in North Carolina & more

DNC: President Obama suggests Mitt Romney would gut education spending, but avoids mention of Race to the Top (redefinEd). (Image from Panel discussions sponsored by Democrats for Education Reform highlight the battle within the party over education policy (redefinED). Teachers union leaders promise to campaign hard for Obama, despite difference over teacher evaluations, charter… Read more »

KIPP charter school supporter is new head of Florida Board of Education

Gary Chartrand, a Jacksonville, Fla., businessman who helped bring a KIPP charter school to Florida and sits on its board of directors, was selected this morning as the new chair of the Florida Board of Education. Chartrand (pictured here) replaces Tampa businesswoman Kathleen Shanahan, who said she was stepping down as chair to spend more time with… Read more »

Education factions battle at the DNC

The battle for the soul of the Democratic Party, at least in the area of public education policy, was on full display yesterday at two panel discussions organized by Democrats for Education Reform. (Full disclosure:  I am DFER’s Florida coordinator.) The first panel consisted of Democratic state legislators from Colorado, Indiana, New Jersey, North Carolina… Read more »

Diane Ravitch takes potshots at latest Florida “voucher” study

The public release of test scores for low-income students on Florida Tax Credit Scholarships received remarkably little attention in the news media this year, leaving bloggers the freedom to interpret serious academic analysis with what amounted mostly to potshots. Not surprisingly, Diane Ravitch weighed in to wag her finger at the straw men who have touted vouchers… Read more »

Eric J. Smith, another Floridian worthy of being Romney’s education chief

EdWeek’s Politics K-12 blog offers an intriguing list of possible education secretaries in a Romney administration, including one prominent Floridian: Jeb Bush. But the otherwise great list overlooked another Floridian: Eric J. Smith, the state’s former ed commissioner. Smith, nudged out last year by Gov. Rick Scott, was hired by the state Board of Education in late… Read more »