Search Results for: miss ana

What other nations are telling us about educational diversity

This essay was first posted at the CLR Forum by the Center for Law and Religion at St. John’s University School of Law. By Ashley Berner In a recent column for the New York Times, David Brooks argued that a healthy society requires a “thick ecosystem” in which diverse organizations create a rich “spiritual, economic… Read more »

Retracing America’s path away from pluralism

This essay was first posted at the CLR Forum by the Center for Law and Religion at St. John’s University School of Law. By Ashley Berner Let me begin with a thought experiment. Suppose that a majority of parents in a school district wished their children to have a traditional curriculum that included Latin, The… Read more »

Gloria Romero weighs in on Florida parental empowerment

A parental empowerment bill inspired by the California trigger law has now moved through three different committees in the Florida Legislature, and former California Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero has entered the debate. As those who followed the fight on the Pacific Coast know, this is a deeply personal issue to her. In a brief… Read more »

From charters to vouchers — the next evolution for liberal Democrats

About two million American children now attend more than 5,000 charter schools nationwide. Although it is likely to take some time for charter schools to be the educators of even 10 percent of our children, they are heading in that direction and appear to have become an entrenched feature of our public education system with charter… Read more »

On for-profit education, what motivates a reporter

If it feels to the education reformer that The New York Times and The Miami Herald have made grand attempts to gore the growing presence of for-profit education providers, it’s because they have. But there are many false assumptions that lead the critic to suppose these are the transgressions of the “liberal media.” If choice advocates and… Read more »

Private school options empower more than just children

At the Dropout Nation, editor RiShawn Biddle visited his archives and resurrected his examination of the school choice movement and his call for black churches to open their own schools. “They must embrace school reform and take the role that Catholic churches have done for so long and for so many,” Biddle writes. So it seemed… Read more »

Is a six-period high school day an offense to the Constitution?

Two years have passed since a coalition of public school supporters asked Florida courts to improve the quality of classroom education, and a divided 8-7 First District Court of Appeal ruling last week reminds us how messy these things can be. The merits of the case have not even been debated yet in the lower… Read more »

A new era, and a new partner, for redefinED

Editor’s note: As redefinED enters its second year of publication, it has joined an alliance with the American Center for School Choice. Its first post comes from Fawn Spady, the Center’s chairwoman, and Stephen D. Sugarman, its vice chairman. Today the American Center for School Choice begins its exciting partnership with redefinED in a joint… Read more »

What if teacher unions played by NFL rules?

Hall of Fame quarterback Fran Tarkenton got a lot of mileage out of his Wall Street Journal column exploring how the performance of NFL athletes “would steadily decline” if they organized under the same tenure and salary protections pushed by teachers unions. “The only difference between Tom Brady and the worst player in the league… Read more »

Seeking a paradigm shift for private schools with public purpose

Editor’s note: This guest column comes from James Herzog, the associate director for education at the Florida Catholic Conference. More than 80 private school organization leaders met at the Education Department’s headquarters for the Seventh Annual Private School Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C., this week to discuss ways to cross the public-private divide and thus better… Read more »