Search Results for: miss ana

Florida roundup: Charter school debate, graduation pathways, class size & more

Charter school debate. Interesting debate in Duval over the performance of charter schools. Says new superintendent Nikolai Vitti, according to the Florida Times Union: “I want the conversation in Florida and in Jacksonville to shift toward what’s best for kids, what’s best for communities, and not a conversation driven by ideology. The conversation in Florida… Read more »

Florida roundup: Homeschooling, voucher accountability & doubling down on reform

Vouchers and accountability. Gov. Rick Scott’s call for “voucher” students to take the same standardized tests as public school students is long overdue, editorializes the Tampa Bay Times: “Voucher proponents can’t have it both ways,” it concludes. “They can’t claim they are a good bargain for taxpayers but then be unwilling to prove it.” “Yes… Read more »

Florida roundup: More PIRLS, more Tony Bennett, more testing and vouchers

Basking in the glow. Interim education commissioner Pam Stewart touts the PIRLS results on CNN. U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan offers praise, notes Orlando Sentinel. More from Fort Myers News Press. More Tony Bennett. Tampa Bay Times columnist John Romano sees the same old agenda. The Tampa Bay Times editorial board says the BOE pick… Read more »

Florida roundup: Teacher evals, vocabulary gaps, ed reform pileup & more

More on teacher evaluations. Problems with teacher evaluation data this week are the latest in a string of mistakes involving the DOE, writes Gradebook. Lower-profile reports are dogged with inconsistencies, too, though it’s not always the state’s fault, notes StateImpact Florida. Ultimately, the revised numbers released Thursday aren’t much different from the numbers originally released… Read more »

A better way to define “public education”

For the last 150 years, we have assumed “public education” meant publicly funded education, but in this new age of customized teaching and learning this definition is too narrow. Today, it’s more useful and accurate to define public education as all learning options that satisfy mandatory school attendance laws, including those that don’t receive public… Read more »

Tony Bennett, two other candidates named finalists for Florida education chief

The Florida Board of Education announced its finalists for education commissioner today, with a list of three candidates including Indiana’s outgoing education chief Tony Bennett. Bennett, who gained national acclaim and criticism for pushing Florida-style education reforms in his home state, lost his re-election bid last month. That immediately sparked rumors that the Chiefs of Change leader might come… Read more »