Search Results for: miss ana

KIPP charter school supporter is new head of Florida Board of Education

Gary Chartrand, a Jacksonville, Fla., businessman who helped bring a KIPP charter school to Florida and sits on its board of directors, was selected this morning as the new chair of the Florida Board of Education. Chartrand (pictured here) replaces Tampa businesswoman Kathleen Shanahan, who said she was stepping down as chair to spend more time with… Read more »

Education factions battle at the DNC

The battle for the soul of the Democratic Party, at least in the area of public education policy, was on full display yesterday at two panel discussions organized by Democrats for Education Reform. (Full disclosure:  I am DFER’s Florida coordinator.) The first panel consisted of Democratic state legislators from Colorado, Indiana, New Jersey, North Carolina… Read more »

Diane Ravitch takes potshots at latest Florida “voucher” study

The public release of test scores for low-income students on Florida Tax Credit Scholarships received remarkably little attention in the news media this year, leaving bloggers the freedom to interpret serious academic analysis with what amounted mostly to potshots. Not surprisingly, Diane Ravitch weighed in to wag her finger at the straw men who have touted vouchers… Read more »

Eric J. Smith, another Floridian worthy of being Romney’s education chief

EdWeek’s Politics K-12 blog offers an intriguing list of possible education secretaries in a Romney administration, including one prominent Floridian: Jeb Bush. But the otherwise great list overlooked another Floridian: Eric J. Smith, the state’s former ed commissioner. Smith, nudged out last year by Gov. Rick Scott, was hired by the state Board of Education in late… Read more »

Milton and I and the evolution of school choice

Colleagues in the American Center for School Choice have convinced me to add a more personal note to my recent 100th birthday blog about Milton Friedman. They ask that I describe my connections with – and occasional disconnections from – the great man. I am honored to be consulted and hope to contribute light sans… Read more »

redefinED roundup: school choice demand in Florida, American heritage charter school in Idaho and more

Idaho: State education offficials approve the American Heritage Charter School, which will emphasize American history, patriotism, money management and free market economics. (Idaho Statesman) Florida: Demand continues to surge for the state’s tax credit scholarship program, as the chart at left shows. (Tampa Bay Times’ Gradebook blog).  The number of charter school teachers in the state tops 10,000, more than… Read more »

A choice conversation on public education

From redefinED host Doug Tuthill: Today we begin a new feature at redefinED – an ongoing dialogue between myself (that’s me pictured on the right) and John Wilson, who writes the Unleashed blog at Education Week. For the last 25 years, I’ve been one of Wilson’s biggest fans. I worked hard for John when he… Read more »