Search Results for: miss ana

Florida schools roundup: Superintendent resigning, security in schools and more

School superintendents: Desmond Blackburn, superintendent of the Brevard County School District since June 2015, is resigning to become the CEO of the California-based New Teacher Center, a national nonprofit that trains and mentors new teachers. Blackburn’s last day is no later than Aug. 10. The school board will discuss its search for a new superintendent… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Culture of leniency, school security, pre-K and more

A district’s discipline: The Broward County School District has developed a culture of leniency that allows students to commit what could be considered criminal offenses with little or no punishment and treats students as first-time offenders even if it’s their 10th offense for the same thing, according to discipline records and people familiar with the… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Schools of Hope, sheriffs and security and more

Schools of Hope operators: Two more charter schools companies are applying to the state to become Schools of Hope operators. KIPP New Jersey and Democracy Prep Public Schools are asking the Florida Board of Education to approve their applications at its meeting Wednesday. If approved, they would join Somerset Academy and IDEA Public Schools as… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Tax hike, security, appeal, reassignment and more

School security: The Broward County School Board agrees to ask voters Aug. 28 to approve a property tax increase for school security and teacher bonuses. If approved, the tax hike could generate about $93 million a year. Sun-Sentinel. The Pinellas County Commission votes against helping the school district put deputies into the 31 schools in… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Backlash on backtrack, choice, security and more

Backlash on discipline backtracking: Broward County school officials face a torrent of criticism after the revelation that confessed school shooter Nikolas Cruz had been referred to a disciplinary program that promotes alternatives to arrests and suspensions. Superintendent Robert Runcie had previously denied any connection between Cruz and the PROMISE program. Ryan Petty, whose daughter Alaina was… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Alt teaching, security, discipline program and more

Teaching alternatives: As more teachers retire and fewer are graduating from education schools, some districts that struggle to recruit teachers fill the gaps with technology. In Pasco County, for example, far-away teaching experts provide virtual instruction while in-class monitors set up the lesson, help prepare for the connections and police student conduct. “For a couple… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Walkout, security, taxes, Negron retiring and more

Student walkout: Students from hundreds of U.S. schools walked out Wednesday to show their support for the Second Amendment. The walkout, called “Stand for the Second,” was initiated by New Mexico student Will Riley to show that not all students agreed with the gun-control walkouts organized last month by students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High… Read more »

A magnet school principal makes the performing arts count

Sitting in the back of the classroom, Hermes Velasquez was a quiet student. He had stage fright and was embarrassed to stand up in front of other students at an award-winning magnet school for the performing arts south of Miami. But slowly, with the help of his teacher, Adalberto Acevedo, and the school’s family-like culture,… Read more »