Search Results for: miss ana

Florida schools roundup: Shooting video, superintendents, CRC and more

Shooting video: Security video taken around the Parkland school building where a massacre was taking place Feb. 14 shows the school resource officer drawing his gun but staying outside the building. After the shooting ended, with 17 people dead, deputy Scot Peterson said he thought the gunshots were coming from outside. But later-released radio transmissions… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Budget, safety, other bills, board term limits and more

State budget: The Florida Senate and House overwhelmingly approve an $88.7 billion state budget that increases per-student spending by an average of $101.50 statewide, but is lower in some of the state’s largest districts. “How can anyone justify per-student increases of $65.06 and $52.35 for Miami-Dade and Broward, respectively?” tweeted Miami-Dade School Superintendent Alberto Carvalho…. Read more »

An advocate for choice, from the school board to the state House

Editor’s note: This profile is part of a series on Florida legislators who help shape education issues. See previous entries here, here and here.   Jason Fischer got involved in local school board politics when he and his wife observed the lack of a variety of school options for their children in Duval County. “We were disappointed about the (performance)… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: School safety and education bills, budget and more

School safety bill: The Florida House votes today on the school safety bill passed by the Senate on Monday. Tuesday, representatives turned away every amendment to put limits on guns beyond those already approved by senators and agreed to the provisions in the Senate bill, including a voluntary program to arm some school personnel, a three-day… Read more »

‘Nerd central’ charter school propels student to MIT

ORLANDO – The invitation to visit central Florida’s newest charter school landed in Dawn and John Chaney’s mailbox at exactly the right moment. It was the spring of 2010, and they were wrestling with a tough decision: where to send their only child for middle school. A long-time teacher with Orange County Public Schools, Dawn… Read more »