Search Results for: miss ana

Florida schools roundup: Funding study, retention motion, charters and more

School funding: Florida Senate President Joe Negron, R-Stuart, approves a study of the school funding formula’s district cost differential (DCD). The request for the study came from Sen. Dorothy Hukill, R-Port Orange, and Sen. Travis Hutson, R-St. Augustine, who contend that the DCD has cost school systems in their districts and around the state millions… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: H.B. 7069, extended days, K-12 school and more

H.B. 7069 lawsuit: The Clay County School Board delays making a decision about joining other districts in suing the state over the new education law, H.B. 7069. Board members cite the expense and possible repercussions. Board member Betsy Condon said she worries about“biting the hand that feeds you,” and thinks there are more collaborative ways… Read more »

Fair funding for these charter school facilities, but not those?

The Broward County school district was the first to announce it would challenge a wide-ranging Florida education law. One of its chief objections: The law requires it, for the first time, to share local property tax revenue earmarked for capital expenses with charter schools. But even as it prepares to fight the new law, the… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Funding formula, H.B. 7069, charters and more

School funding formula: Two Republican state senators are calling for a study of the Florida K-12 school funding formula. Sen. Dorothy Hukill, R-Port Orange, and Sen. Travis Hutson, R-Palm Coast, say the current formula shortchanges smaller districts because larger districts get a bigger portion of state funding to help make up the difference for a higher cost of… Read more »

Florida charter schools move closer to equal funding

Tamara Switken chose to send her children to Mason Classical Academy, a charter school in Collier County, Fla. She was drawn to the well-rounded curriculum. The school requires children to read the classics. It emphasizes good character. “There’s nowhere else I would send my children,” she said. That’s despite some of the hardships. The school… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Audit call, budgets, schools of hope and more

District audit request: State Rep. Jason Fischer, R-Jacksonville, is calling on the state to audit the Duval County School District to find out how it spent $21 million more than it budgeted to last year. Fischer acknowledges that the call for an audit is motivated, at least in part, by the school board’s consideration of joining… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Charter suits, budgets, funding for schools and more

Charter lawsuits: An administrative law judge rules that the Florida Department of Education can withhold money from charter schools for construction and maintenance if they receive an F grade or two straight grades below C from the state. Charter school officials challenged the state’s rules, claiming DOE officials had overstepped their legal authority. News Service of Florida…. Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Home-schooling, desegregation and more

Desegregation order: Indian River County School Board members renew their discussion about getting free from a court desegregation order, which it has been under since 1967. Board members feel the district has made progress toward fulfilling the court’s requirement of “having racially balanced schools taught by diverse staffs to establish an equitable education system for minority… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Help for failing schools, H.B. 7069 challenge and more

Help for failing schools: Ninety-three failing Florida schools can apply to the state for up to $2,000 more per student to fund such services as after-school programs and community partnerships, the Department of Education announces. The schools are eligible through the “schools of hope” provision of H.B. 7069 because they have received grades below a C from the… Read more »