Search Results for: miss ana

Voucher critics are starting to say the quiet part out loud

Editor’s note: This commentary from Jessica Poiner, senior education policy analyst at the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, appeared last week on the institute’s website. Persistent school choice critic Steve Dyer recently posted a “takedown” of Fordham’s latest school choice policy recommendations. His attacks mostly focus on Ohio’s voucher programs, and most of his criticism is tired and misleading enough that we’ve… Read more »

‘There is no frigate’ like a VR headset

Remember field trips? Typically, they involved piling on a bus and going to a local museum, zoo, or planetarium for a whole, glorious day. In an era of standardized testing, many schools limit field trips to only one or two each year. For students at schools in rural or high-poverty areas, such opportunities are even… Read more »