Search Results for: miss ana

Another study confirms school choice works

  A new study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences has found that students participating in Indiana’s education choice program are more likely to enroll in college than their public-school peers. The report, released this week by the Midwest Regional Education Lab, found that 61% of students utilizing the Indiana… Read more »

Using education savings accounts to cut out the middleman a la Harry Tuttle

Terry Gilliam’s 1985 film Brazil mixed Orwellian dystopia with Monty Python dark comedic absurdity. Sadly, it now appears to have been keenly prescient. Robert de Niro’s character, Harry Tuttle, runs a guerrilla effort to fix people’s air conditioners due to the ineptitude of a bureaucracy known as Central Services. “This whole system of yours could… Read more »