Search Results for: miss ana

Testing makes McKay Scholarships accountable to parents

by Allison Hertog In Robyn Rennick’s post on Florida’s McKay Scholarships for Students With Disabilities last week, she argued that standardized testing measures are “inappropriate,” even “cruel,” for disabled children due to their diverse levels of achievement and in some cases immeasurable levels of progress. But this assumes that standardized testing is a “one size fits all” accountability measure. In… Read more »

redefinED roundup: School choice in Arkansas, charter schools in Maine and more

Arkansas: A federal judge’s ruling on the state’s school choice law opens the door for legislative action on choice. (Arkansas News) Maine: Gov. Paul LePage and the newly formed Maine Charter School Commission are at odds over the pace of the commission’s work. (Bangor Daily News) Louisiana: More financial concerns surface about a private school that has… Read more »

Florida charter school leader: Shut down problem charter schools

by Cheri Shannon In an effort to transform our public school system, charter schools have provided a breath of fresh air. Free, open-enrollment public schools, charters were established in Florida in 1996 to provide more high-quality educational options for families. With the flexibility to innovate with curriculum, classroom time, technology and much more, charter schools… Read more »

Florida may need more private school options for working-class families

Step Up For Students (SUFS) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help low-income parents access the schools that best meet their children’s needs. We do this, in part, by providing tax-credit funded scholarships to low-income families to help them pay the tuition and fees at qualified private schools. While our scholarships help disadvantaged… Read more »

Gerard Robinson: Florida is growing school choice, public and private

by Gerard Robinson Florida has long been a national leader in the field of educational choice. From the introduction of charter schools and the Florida Virtual School in 1996 and 1997, to the creation of the McKay Scholarship program for students with disabilities and the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship program for low-income families in 1999… Read more »

Florida school choice, present and future

Beginning Monday, we have a special treat for you at redefinED – commentary about how far we’ve come with school choice in Florida, and where we may be headed. The prompt for this came at an April meeting of the Florida Alliance for Choices in Education, which includes many of the state’s choice groups. An… Read more »

California goes to court for education reform

At every crossroads toward the future, it’s been said, tradition will post 10,000 people to guard the past. For frustrated Californians that see the need for significant change in the education system, a major number of those guardians are found in California’s Democratic-controlled legislature and the California Teachers Association (CTA), which is the state’s largest… Read more »

redefinED roundup: Education savings accounts in Arizona, parental choice tutoring program in Florida and more

Arizona: Gov. Jan Brewer signs into law a bill that makes students in D and F schools eligible for education savings accounts. (Arizona Republic) An estimated 100,000 students could be eligible. (Arizona Daily Star) Florida: U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan questions why the Florida Legislature decided to continue a program that allows low-income parents to choose private tutoring providers. (Associated Press) Tutoring providers… Read more »