Search Results for: miss ana

Public? Private? Charter? Voucher? Parents just want a good school

Bruce Baker at School Finance 101 offered a calibrated analysis Tuesday on how neighborhood and charter schools differ in the public education arena, but his distinctions miss the larger point. The current expansion of K-12 educational options cuts across all the traditional boundaries in ways that make public and private less relevant. Take his assertion that charter… Read more »

redefinED roundup: Voucher politics in Wisconsin, Jeb Bush in S.C., school choice defense in Florida and more

Florida: State Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson responds to newspaper questions about charter schools and vouchers. (Tampa Bay Times Gradebook blog) He suggest school choice critics have a double standard. (redefinED) Wisconsin: Vouchers have become an issue in the Democratic primary for governor between candidates Tom Barrett and Kathleen Falk. ( South Carolina: Jeb Bush talks… Read more »

redefinED roundup: charter school performance in Florida, school shopping in Michigan and more

Florida: State report says charter school students perform better than peers in traditional public schools. (Florida Times Union) State task force will begin planning for digital learning. (Orlando Sentinel) Washington, D.C.: President Obama should support the D.C. voucher program, which has shown good results and enjoys bipartisan support, the Washington Post editorializes. Montana: Businessman gives… Read more »

redefinED roundup: tax credit scholarships in South Carolina, parent triggers in Colorado and more

Louisiana:  State Superintendent John White: Teachers are soldiers in fight for social justice. (Baton Rouge Advocate) State House passes bill for program similar to tax-credit scholarships. (New Orleans Times Picayune.) Voucher and charter school proposal rolls through state Senate committee. (Shreveport Times.) South Carolina: State House passes major expansion of school choice, including tax credit scholarships for… Read more »

Teachers can fix a broken profession

Don’t like what an education reformer has to say? Just call them a teacher basher. Increasingly, that’s what teachers and others are doing, with this recent blog post on CNN – “When did teacher bashing become the new national pastime?” – being the latest in a long list of examples. Most of these articles set… Read more »

Final tally on school choice bills in Florida

Editor’s note: Florida has a national reputation as school choice central. And in the state legislative session that ended Friday, lawmakers again took up a wide range of choice proposals, including the parent trigger bill that drew so much attention. Here’s a redefinED rundown of what happened from Amy Graham, senior policy analyst for Step Up for Students. The bills that passed… Read more »

redefinED roundup: parent triggers in Florida, voucher studies in Milwaukee and more

Editor’s note: We’re going to try something new this morning – a quickie roundup of recent headlines that we think deserve your attention. In keeping with redefinED’s focus, we’ll put the spotlight on stories regarding school choice (vouchers, charters, tax-credit-scholarships, etc.) and/or speak to new definitions of public education. Florida: A parent trigger bill clears… Read more »

In Florida, a teachers union that doesn’t just say no

Editor’s note: In one of yesterday’s posts, we noted how often school choice supporters are caricatured. But truth be told, we’re not alone. Teachers unions and their members are sometimes dismissed with unflattering generalizations too. Doug Tuthill, a former teachers union president himself, pauses today to spotlight a union right here in our backyard that… Read more »