Search Results for: miss ana

When school choice and desegregation collide

Brown v. Board

Generations of black students fought to leave St. Louis public schools, but third-grader Edmond Lee wants to remain in his. Under city rules designed to promote racial desegregation, however, he might be forced out of his school because he is black. Edmond and his mother, LeShieka White, are moving to the suburbs, away from the public charter… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Bonuses, whistleblowers, a fiery act and more

Whistleblowers intimidated? Two students who complained about having unqualified substitutes for geometry class all year are being harassed and intimidated by the school’s principal and the area superintendent, two teachers tell Palm Beach School Superintendent Robert Avossa. They say the principal, Cheryl McKeever, told the geometry students they don’t have a teacher because they ran… Read more »

This week in school choice: Lost in the clatter

This week, a new report on charter school discipline touched off a predictable controversy when it singled out charters for disproportionately suspending certain groups of students. Black and special needs students are far more likely than their peers to be suspended from school, but the problem spans district and charter schools alike. The Atlantic argued the… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Budget, after-school programs, a fiery act and more

Scott signs budget: Gov. Rick Scott signs the $82.3 billion state budget. He vetoes projects totaling $256.1 million, including a few education items. Here’s the full list of items Scott vetoed. Tampa Bay Times. Florida Politics. After-school programs: The Florida Senate’s early proposal to open up after-school funding to competitive bidding did not survive the legislative process. That… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Open enrollment, education on trial and more

Open enrollment fallout: The recently passed bill that would allow open enrollment in any state public school with openings is worrying some school officials. School board members and administrators are concerned that the transfers could disrupt school construction plans, complicate efforts to accommodate growth, dilute the value of local school taxes and make things tougher on low-performing schools…. Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Education on trial, bonuses, opting out and more

Education on trial: Openings arguments are heard in the civil trial accusing Florida of not fulfilling its constitutional mandate to provide a quality education for all public school students. Attorneys for Citizens for Strong Schools argue that the state’s racial achievement gap, emphasis on testing and lack of adequate funding keep it from fulfilling a 1998… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Legislature wrapup, failed bills, autonomy and more

Education legislation: A massive state education bill that widens school choice is awaiting Gov. Rick Scott’s signature. The bill changes the was charter school facilities funding is distributed, limits school districts’ spending on capital projects, allows open enrollment for all K-12 public school students, grants immediate eligibility for high school athletes who transfer schools, and more…. Read more »

Virginia lawmakers approve special needs education savings accounts

Virginia’s Terry McAuliffe has a chance to be the country’s first Democratic governor to sign a law creating educational choice accounts for special needs students. The commonwealth’s Senate approved a bill creating education savings accounts Monday on a 20-19 vote. The House of Delegates has already passed the measure, meaning it’s headed to the governor’s desk. The Senate added a “re-enactment… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Testing, charters, bullying, tax holiday and more

Testing routine: What is Florida Standards Assessments testing like for students? Here’s a typical day during testing season for a P.K. Yonge student. Gainesville Sun. Nearly a week into testing, Polk County officials say things are going smoothly. Lakeland Ledger. Charter problems: The latest problems at Windsor Prep Academy in St. Petersburg and two other… Read more »