Search Results for: miss ana

Florida schools roundup: Grades, Fresen, a one-room school and more

School grades: After months of delays, the Department of Education releases Florida school grades for 2014-2015. The grades are similar to the projections issued in December, and will become the baseline for comparison to future grades. Twenty-two of the state’s 67 districts received A grades. None received an F, and only two received a D. A grades… Read more »

This week in school choice: Thinking different

Later this month, researchers are expected to release findings that will shed new light on Louisiana’s private school voucher program — building on earlier work that shows it may harm student achievement, and that regulations may be stopping large numbers of schools from participating. Will the school choice movement respond by retreating into predictable free-market and anti-voucher camps? This… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Budgets, recess, charters, choice and more

Education budget: A Senate subcommittee approves a bill that would require the state to pay at least half of the proposed increase in K-12 spending. Gov. Rick Scott’s budget calls for a spending increase of $507 million in K-12 spending, but with $427 million coming through local property taxes. Politico Florida. Tampa Bay Times. Palm Beach Post. News… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Referendum change, budgets, evaluations and more

Referendum change: A House committee has approved a bill that would require school districts to win 60 percent approval from voters on any local tax increase requests. The bill now moves to the House floor. Its Senate companion has yet to get a committee hearing. Gradebook. Education budgets: Democrats and Republicans spar over budget details in both… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Open enrollment, testing, coding and more

Open enrollment: A bill that would allow any student to enroll in any school that has an opening is headed for a full House vote. Two changes were made to the bill. One would give enrollment preferences to those who live in communities that donated land for the school. The other would require middle and high… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: School grades, testing, score reports and more

School grades: The Florida Department of Education could issue school grades as early as Tuesday. Many think their meaning will be tainted by the controversy over the Florida Standards Assessments tests, which are a major component of the grades. Tampa Bay Times. Alternative tests: Education experts are split on the benefits of a proposed bill… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Bonuses, budget, sales tax, schedules and more

Teacher bonuses: State Sen. Don Gaetz, R-Niceville, says the reason the Senate has allocated no money for teacher bonuses is that the program has not yet been fully vetted. Miami Herald. Budget dissent: Senate Appropriations Chairman Tom Lee, R-Brandon, adds his name to the list of legislators who oppose Gov. Rick Scott’s plan to boost education… Read more »

Tax credit education savings accounts?

Education Savings Accounts are considered the way of the future for school choice, but there’s a problem. If states start using ESAs to let parents customize their education, they risk running into some of the same legal pitfalls that have tripped up school vouchers, including so-called Blaine amendments that stop most states from steering public funding to… Read more »

Florida schools roundup: Test options, sex education, evaluations and more

Alternative tests: The Florida Senate education committee approves a bill that would allow school districts to use the SAT or ACT instead of the Florida Standards Assessments tests to measure student progress. But Education Commissioner Pam Stewart opposes the plan and the bill does not have a companion proposal in the House, so its prospects for passage… Read more »