Search Results for: miss ana

Florida roundup: Charter schools, testing, blessings and more

Charter schools. A loan brings a Collier charter school closer to a permanent facility. Naples Daily News. Testing. Where is Florida’s testing controversy headed? Tampa Bay Times. Parents await score reports. Florida Times-Union. Duval superintendent Nikolai Vitti questions the push to set tougher cut scores. Gradebook. A school board member calls for raising the bar. Pensacola… Read more »

Florida roundup: Testing, accountability, charter schools and more

Testing. The first round of state standardized test results is out. Gradebook. StateImpact. Miami Herald. Sun-Sentinel. Tampa Tribune. Orlando Sentinel School Zone. Palm Beach Post. Fort Myers News-Press. Lakeland Ledger. TC Palm. Bradenton Herald. Gainesville Sun. Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Panama City News Herald. Leesburg Daily Commercial. Depending how cut scores are set, more students could fail. Florida Times-Union…. Read more »

Florida roundup: Blue Ribbons, teacher bonuses, test results and more

Awards. Ten Florida public schools, including six charter schools, win National Blue Ribbon honors. redefinED. Sentinel School Zone. Gradebook. Tallahassee Democrat. WTXL. Test results. The first round of state assessment results comes out today. Gradebook. School Zone. Palm Beach Post. Teacher quality. Teachers bemoan the deadline to apply for bonuses. StateImpact. Teachers unions. Santa Rosa’s union… Read more »

Florida roundup: Charter schools, testing, community schools and more

Charter schools.The state’s charter school appeals process is being challenged in court. redefinED. Palm Beach Post. Sun-Sentinel. Testing. The case for the ACT. Bridge to Tomorrow. Proposed cut scores wouldn’t fully close the “proficiency gap.” Gradebook. Bridge to Tomorrow. Tampa Tribune. Orlando Sentinel. Associated Press. School grades. There may be ways to make them work better this… Read more »

School choice and sheer bad luck

This is the fourth post in our series on the Voucher Left.  The hope to secure school choice for lower-income parents has invoked many justifications beside free market theory. These broader conceptions of choice, however, have failed to secure serious consideration in political discourse about choice. Devout marketeers often forego, or even oppose, reliance upon… Read more »

Debating multiple charter school authorizers in Florida

FORT LAUDERDALE — Which comes first: Better charter school authorizing or multiple authorizers? That was one of the questions raised this week during a gathering of school district and charter school administrators in South Florida. Charter school experts often favor a system where multiple organizations — school districts, universities, statewide boards — are allowed to sponsor charter schools…. Read more »

It’s time for educators to rethink collective bargaining

Ken Megill

by Kenneth A. Megill For fifty years I have supported and worked for collective bargaining for educators in Florida. I still believe in organizing for collective power. However, I no longer think industrial-style bargaining is the most effective way to exercise it. The ways information is transmitted and knowledge is accessed are changing fundamentally. The… Read more »

Florida roundup: Testing, charter schools, budgets and more

Testing. State Senators debate the state’s testing validity study. Tampa Bay Times. Miami Herald. Sunshine State News. State education officials answer critics. Palm Beach Post. Gradebook. Proposed cut scores reveal a racial achievement gap. Tallahassee Democrat. Charter schools. Some Palm Beach charters see their funding for students with special needs suddenly slashed. Palm Beach Post. Budgets…. Read more »

What’s driving the Catholic school renaissance

Florida witnessed the birth of American Catholic education. The country’s first Catholic school was established in St. Augustine in 1606. Now, its rebirth is also happening here, as new waves of philanthropy and innovation are fueling a renaissance in Catholic schooling all over the country. Florida is home to six Notre Dame ACE Academies, a Cristo Rey high School still in the… Read more »

Florida roundup: Charter schools, teacher conduct, testing and more

Charter schools. The Brevard school district rejects a charter school application that had been in the works for five years. Florida Today. The Broward school board’s lobbyist leaves for Charter Schools USA. Sun-Sentinel. Testing. Replace Florida tests with national ones, Paul Cottle argues in the Tallahassee Democrat. More here. Broward school board members are divided… Read more »